The West German Genome Center is one of four national Next Generation Sequencing Competence Centers. We are a network of institutes west of the 7.1 E meridian who joined forces and expertise to advance NGS technologies and applications. Download the flyer and find out more about us.



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Sequencing facilities

The WGGC can count on four core facilities located in Aachen, Bonn, Cologne and Düsseldorf, equipped with state-of-the-art NGS technologies. Learn more…

Special Interest Groups

Our SIGs (Special Interest Groups) work on hot topics related to NGS developments and relevant for the community, from data management to training, from harmonization to outreach. Learn more…

Connect with experts

Connect with a network of experts in NGS technologies and applications. Our experts work on a wide range of topics and with different organisms, from bacteria to plants to humans. Go to Profiles…

Outreach & output

Check some examples of the WGGC outreach activities and scientific output. Learn more

COVID publications

The WGGC contributed on many fronts to the understanding of the disease. Learn more…

Sequencing services and more

NGS will be a key technology in the future life and medical sciences, and in 2017 the DFG launched the national NGS Competence Center (NGS-CC) initiative with the aim of modernizing and harmonizing NGS infrastructures of German universities. With funding granted in March 2018, the WGGC started its activities officially on January 1st, 2019. More than 50% of the newly acquired NGS and bioinformatics capacity at the production sites is committed as service to the scientific community. All the WGGC partners further serve the scientific community through the provision of consultation, collaboration, and/or data analysis at the requested level. Find out more about us.


Check out our production sites and get in touch to receive counseling regarding your sequencing project, including advice on the right technology, protocols for sample preparation, data processing and analysis. Find here a document from the SIG3 (Technology & Production) detailing the input recommendations for the most popular applications.


The DFG offers a new funding scheme for sequencing projects in collaboration with sequencing centers. Our centers are more than happy to support you in your research. Contact us at for more information.

Latest News

Main contact

Cologne Center for Genomics (CCG)
University of Cologne
Weyertal 115b
50931 Cologne


Privacy Policy

Published by:
Prof. Dr. Peter Nuernberg
Cologne Center for Genomics (CCG)
University of Cologne
50931 Köln, Germany

Daniela Dey
Institut für Humangenetik und Genommedizin Uniklinik RWTH Aachen
52074 Aachen, Germany

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