Outreach & output

Explain Podcast

The WGGC Düsseldorf office coordinates the NGS-CN Explain Podcast. Bioinformatician Daniel and scientific coordinator Iuliia aim to EXPLAIN key next generation sequencing techniques and how these techniques contribute to our everyday life. As Iuliia doesn’t have a solid background in sequencing, she keeps asking “simple” – even silly at times – questions and Daniel gives his best to make us understand.

NGS Webinar series

The WGGC kick-started the NGS Webinar series with the SIG for Outreach. The webinars are now coordinated with the whole NGS Competence Networks.

NGS-CN public workshop 2023

On April 14th 2023 we met with all NGS Competence Centers in Tübingen and offered a hybrid (on-site for the NGS-CCs + online for everyone) workshop on NGS research.

NGS-CN autumn school 2022

Eight students were selected to attend a 3-day training in Bonn on microbiome sequencing in September 2022.

NGS-CN summer school 2021

The summer school “Understanding Next Generation Sequencing from molecule to output data” was held in Düsseldorf  on September 13-15th, 2021. It covered different aspects of Next Generation Sequencing including lectures on experimental design and statistical analysis, long read sequencing and data analysis. The program included a practical demo session on Oxford Nanopore long reads sequencing and Bioinformatics analysis.