WGGC2020 News & Views Düsseldorf


All Day

Event Type

Monday, January 27th 2020, MNR clinic, building 13.55, lecture hall 13A

Universitätsklinikum Düsseldorf
Moorenstr. 5, 40225 Düsseldorf (coordinates 51.194597, 6.791623)

8:45 Registration and coffee
9:15 Welcome (Prof. Pfeffer, Prof. Klöcker and Prof. Kleinebudde, all HHU)
9:30 The West German Genome Center (Prof. Nürnberg, University of Cologne)
9:45 Service-Portfolio des ZIM in den Bereichen des High-Performance-Computing (HPC) und des wissenschaftlichen Rechnens und Speicherns (Dr. Manten and Dr. Raub)
10:05 New molecular techniques– how research and diagnostics in human genetics changed over the years (Prof. Wieczorek, HHU)
10:25 Tbc (Dr. Dilthey, HHU)
10:45 Coffee break
11:15 A fully phased accurate assembly of an individual human genome (Prof. Marschall, HHU)
11:55 Next-Generation Cytogenomics: High throughput Mapping of Structural Variation in Cancer and Genetic Disease (Dr. Georg Papoutsoglou, Bionano Genomics)
12:10 The Sequel II System -An introduction to Single Molecule, Real-Time (SMRT) Sequencing and its applications (Dr. Nicolas Piganeau, Pacific Biosciences)
12:25 The WGGC Düsseldorf core facility (Prof. Köhrer, HHU)
12:45 Lunch in Foyer MNR, meet companies at stands
13:30 Go to ZSL
13:45 Visit sequencing lab (2 rounds)
14:00 Meet the experts in ZSL foyer or seminar room: Question Time: Concept, budget, data analysis etc for sequencing proposals
14:15 Back to lecture hall
14:30 NGS developments highlights from Illumina (Dr. Doroudi, Dr. Mers, Illumina)
14:45 Getting the whole picture: An introduction to nanopore sequencing (Dr. Hartwell, Oxford Nanopore Technology)
15:00 Coffee break
15:30 Leveraging Oxford Nanopore Sequencing for Plant Genomics from models to large and complex genomes (Prof. Usadel, RWTH Aachen University and Forschungszentrum Jülich)
16:10 An antibody-free, genome-wide method for high-resolution, in vivo mapping of functional cis-elements (Dr. Hartwig, HHU/Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research)
16:50 Final remarks and farewell
17:00 End of meeting


Attendance is free of charge, registration is mandatory.

Registration for the event is open until 21.01.2020, register here.


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