BD Single-Cell Multiomics Day – Join us on 21st March in Bonn and Online!

The seminar aims to provide insights into the latest technologies in scRNAseq and multiomics, which are essential to understand gene regulation and single-cell heterogeneity. The program includes an introduction to single-cell multiomics with the BD Rhapsody™ analysis system, insights from the system in real-life applications, and exploring COVID-19 at a single-cell resolution. The speakers are… Continue reading BD Single-Cell Multiomics Day – Join us on 21st March in Bonn and Online!

Single Cell Omics in Clinical Applications SCOG Conference

Join the Single Cell research community at this conference on November 7-9 in Bonn, with organizers and speakers from the WGGC community. More details and registration at the official conference site: For late and on-site registration please get in contact with Dr. Anna Drews from the local organizing team: Anna-Dorothee.Drews(at)

Bio Data Science Evening in Düsseldorf

When: Tuesday, 11th of October | 17:00-18:00 CESTWhere: O.A.S.E. (University Hospital Düsseldorf) Dr. rer. nat. Alexander Lang will share with us “Multiple single cell sequencing methodsfor multimodal characterization of cardiovascular disease” … and afterwards we will have an amazing opportunity for a “meet & greet” networking time – till 20:00! Snacks and drinks will be provided… Continue reading Bio Data Science Evening in Düsseldorf

Annual AGD Meeting 2022: “Genomic Health and the Blockchain”

The “Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Gen-Diagnostik e.V.” will be hosting their next annual meeting in Bonn and virtual, on October 06-07. The AGD Annual Meeting is dedicated to topics that have particular potential to improve diagnostics and therapy. This conference offers exciting talks from pioneers in blockchain health applications, great opportunity for interdisciplinary networking, and tasty food!… Continue reading Annual AGD Meeting 2022: “Genomic Health and the Blockchain”

NGS-CN Autumn School 2022

UPDATE: You can find here the full schedule of the online training.Last minute registration requests should be addressed to  Maximilian Krause maximilian.krause1 [AT] tu-dresden {dot} de, please note that only valid institutional email addresses can be accepted. The Next Generation Sequencing Competence Network and the SIG1 are happy to announce our Autumn School on NGS, with… Continue reading NGS-CN Autumn School 2022

Nature Conference: AI, Neuroscience and Hardware: From Neural to Artificial Systems and Back Again

Our partner site DZNE (Deutsches Zentrum für Neurodegenerative Erkrankungen, German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases) in Bonn is hosting a Nature Conference on AI, Neuroscience and Hardware: From Neural to Artificial Systems and Back Again. Check the program and register on the conference site to learn about the fascinating ways the brain, artificial intelligence and hardware… Continue reading Nature Conference: AI, Neuroscience and Hardware: From Neural to Artificial Systems and Back Again

Next Generation Sequencing Competence Network (NGS-CN) Workshop; Registration is open!

This workshop is aimed at researchers from all areas of the life sciences who are interested in NGS technologies and data analysis. Young scientists are particularly welcome. The workshop includes an open Q&A session with the experts of the NGS-CN. The agenda is attached to this mail. Please use following link for registration: For more… Continue reading Next Generation Sequencing Competence Network (NGS-CN) Workshop; Registration is open!

DeCOI presents: Genomics Beyond COVID-19 in Germany

25-26 of April 2022, Seminaris Hotel in Bad Honnef : A symposium addressing the future significance of NGS-based omics technologies. Please see here for more info & registration

Categorized as events, news

The 5th call of DFG for sequencing costs in projects is open!

Within the current funding initiative on next generation sequencing (NGS) of the Senate of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation), the DFG invites, in its fifth round, proposals for projects in which sequencing will be carried out at DFG-funded competence centres for next generation sequencing at the universities of Bonn/Cologne/Düsseldorf, Dresden, Kiel, and Tübingen.… Continue reading The 5th call of DFG for sequencing costs in projects is open!

Categorized as news, NGS-CN

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